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Partly cloudy skies this evening will become overcast overnight. Low 47F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy skies this evening will become overcast overnight. Low 47F. Winds light and variable.
Shopping for a new refrigerator can feel overwhelming. But knowing your exact needs will simplify the process and help you feel confident in your purchase.
To find the right fridge for your home, consider these five factors:
1. Measurements. Measure the space where you’ll be placing the fridge. Not only does your new fridge need to fit into this spot, but you also need clearance to open the doors. Having these specifications can help you begin your search and narrow your options.
2. Finish. Consider giving your kitchen a cohesive look by matching the finish of your new refrigerator to your other current appliances. Stainless steel is particularly sleek and easy to clean. With a quick wipe-down, your fridge can look brand new. Ultimately, opt for a finish that you love and that ties your kitchen together.
3. Capacity. Keep your shopping and cooking habits in mind to ensure your fridge size meets your needs. Are you someone who buys a lot of fresh produce and goods? Do you tend to do big grocery hauls? Then a large-capacity fridge is a must. If space is at a premium and you’re searching for something compact, yet still able to handle your needs, the Sharp SJB1255GS, a 24-inch Bottom-Freezer Counter Depth Refrigerator may be the ideal fit. With two shelves, a spacious 4.2 cubic foot freezer with three drawers, and a removable wine rack for quick and easy organization, this innovative space-saving model features well-designed storage solutions.
4. Freezer style. There are three main freezer style options you may come across when looking for a new refrigerator: side-by-side, bottom-freezer, and top-freezer. Determining which style is right for you largely depends on what you want as your main focus. For example, if you use your refrigerator more often than the freezer, a bottom-freezer is a good choice, as it means that your refrigerator shelves will be at eye level.
5. Features. After the basics, such as capacity and finish, comes the fun stuff — extra features. These extra features can really set one appliance apart from another. To get an idea of what’s available today, consider the Sharp SJG2254FS, a French Four Door Counter-Depth Refrigerator. A great bet for those who entertain or have growing families and changing needs, it features a triple cooling system that allows you to independently control the refrigerator, drawers, and ice maker for greater flexibility. A multipurpose flex drawer with four independently-controlled temperature settings means you can optimize the storage of meats (30 degrees F) or use it as a beverage cooler (34 degrees F). The flex drawer can also be optimized for deli items and snacks (37 degrees F) or converted to a wine chiller (41 degrees F).
To learn more about the latest fridge features and get more appliance shopping tips and insights, visit
Looking for a new fridge, or any major appliance for that matter, comes with challenges, but understanding the latest options available and how they relate to your needs can make the process smooth and simple.
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